13 October 2014



Tragedi ini berlaku ekoran daripada pilihanraya kebangsaan pada 10 Mei 1969. Banyak isu yang menyentuh emosidan sentimen perkauman telah disuarakan dengan begitu lantang semasa kempen pilihanraya tersebut.Ini telah membangkitkan ketegangan dan rusuhan terutamanya antara kaum Melayu dan Cina.


Parti Tindakan Rakyat (PAP) diketuaioleh Lee Kuan Yew secara terang-terangan tidak menerima hak keistimewaan orang Melayu dalam  Perlembagaan.Dalam tempoh berkempen sebelum pilihanraya 1969, beberapa isu-isu sensitif telah dibangkitkan oleh DAPdan parti pembangkang lain
Parti Perikatan telah memenangi pilihanraya dan boleh menubuhkan kerajaan namun jumlah undi dan kerusi yang diperolehi keseluruhannya merosotDAP dan GERAKAN telah mengadakan beberapa siri perarakan untuk merayakan kemenangan dan mengambil kesempatan untuk merendah dan menghina orang Melayu Perarakan provokatif yang membakarsemangat perkauman inilah menjadi punca tragedi berdarah ini

Kerajaan British menjalankan dasar pecah dan perintah antara penduduk Tanah Melayu Orang Melayu di luar bandar -pertanian Imigran Cina di kawasan bandar - perdagangan dan lombong Imigran India di kawasan ladanggetah
Ini telah melahirkan rasa tidak puas hati orang Melayu kerana merasakan ekonomi Tanah Melayu telah dikuasai oleh imigran asing Kerajaan telah mengambil langkah positif untuk menghapuskan ketidak seimbangan ekonomi dengan penubuhan FELDA, MARAdan FAMA untuk orang Melayu Langkah ini seolah-olah menggugat kedudukan ekonomi kaum Cina serta menimbulkan rasa syak wasangka dan tidak puas hati

kerakyatan yang diberikan kepada imigran asing melalui prisnsip jus soli Dasar Pelajaran Baru yangmenjadikan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa rasmi dan bahasa pengantar di sekolah Isu agama dan kebudayaan berbeza turut mewujudkan prasangka antara kaum


  • Dikemukakan oleh Suruhanjaya Reidyang diketuai oleh Lord Reid pada Jun 1956
  • Ia mula berkuatkuasa pada 31 Ogos1957
  • Secara umumnya persetujuan itutercapai apabila kaum Melayubersetuju memberikan hak kerakyatan secara jus soli kepada kaum lain dan mereka pula bersetuju menerima unsur tradisi dalam


  • Islam adalah agama rasmi Persekutuan.
  • Agama dan kepercayaan lain boleh diamalkan dengan aman dan tenteram.
  • Tindakan cuba membeza-bezakan terhadap seseorang warganegara atas alasan agama dan kepercayaan adalah dilarang.

  • Malaysia ialah sebuah Negara pemerintahan beraja yang berpelembagaan dan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong,Raja-raja dan Yang Dipertua negeriadalah lambang perpaduan rakyatdan negara.
  • Menumpukan sepenuh taat setia kepada Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan bersikap jujur dan taat setia sebagai warganegara Persekutuan.

  • Perlembagaan memberi kepada  seseorang hak, keistimewaan tanggungjawab, kewajipan terhadap bangsa dan negara.
  • Tiap-tiap warganegara wajib menghormati kandungan, maksud dan latar sejarah Perlembagaan yang berkaitan dengan kedudukan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-PertuanAgong dan Raja-raja, kedudukan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi,kedudukan bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa kebangsaan 


  • Setiap rakyat tarafnya sama di sisi undang-undang.
  • Hak kebebasan yang dinikmati berasaskan undang-undang.
  • Kedaulatan undang-undang terjamin dengan adanya badan kehakiman yang bebas serta berkuasa untuk memutuskan sama ada sesuatu perbuatan pemerintah itu sah atau tidak dari segi Perlembagaan dan undang-undang.


  • Setiap orang dan golongan hendaklah menguruskan hal masing-masing tanpa melanggar tatasusila.
  • Perbuatan yang angkuh,menyentuh perangai dan menyinggung perasaan sesuatu golongan lain adalah dilarang.
Antara usaha-usaha merealisasikan matlamat RukunNegara :

  • Dasar Ekonomi Baru

               -membasmi kemiskinan
               -menyusun semula rakyat

  • Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan
              - menyatukan sistem pelajaran
              - BM bahasa pengantar

  • Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan
             - rakyat memahami setiap budaya



  1. Pembentukan perlembagaan sehingga kini menjadi asas kepada perpaduan negara malaysia.setiap individu atau waganegara malaysia adalah tertakluk kepada undang-undang negara
  2. Dengan adanya perlembagaan negara ini ditadbir dengan efisyen dan sistematik.perlembagaan melambangkan malaysia sebagai sebuah negara berdaulat dan merdeka.
  3. sesorang warganegara perlu mempelajari dan mengetahui undang-undang yang diguna pakai di dalam negaranya.

07 October 2014


Islam and Multi-racial Society

Malaysia is a country with distinction of race, religion, culture and language.Malaysia is a country with a plural society consisting of various ethnic groups eith three majority ethnic Malays, Chinese and Indians. Although the outside look of the Malaysian society is composed of a multi-racial socienty, but Islam is the religion of the Federation as defined in the Constitution. The case arises the question of how religion and society of Malaysia to manage the diverse cultures and beliefs.then, Allah swt created on the earth is made up of different races, backgrounds, though distinct color, language, religion and way of life.
    Basic relationship in Islam is divided into six elements, which may know, brotherhood, love, underwriting, guarantees, cooperation and understanding.

Basic relationship in Islam

May know / AL-Taaruf 

• get to know the language or Arab, al-Taaruf purpose God created man with the looks and different colors so that they can know each other, know each other and live in harmony. Therefore, they have not be hostile. Some people need to take a stand may know each other. For example, the Malays should know their neighbors even different nations. Mutual know-know can avoid misunderstandings. 

Brotherhood / Al-Ukhuwah 

• Brotherhood or Al-Ukhuwah purpose of Islam encourages its followers to live on the basis of brotherhood Islam.Al-Ukhuwah also mean kinship-based relationships are more important than the bond based on blood ties and kesukuan.Perpaduan community is fundamental to the strength of a community. All races in Malaysia should unite firmly regardless of religion and ethnicity to fight the real enemy or hidden. 

Working together / Al-ta'awun 

• Track key people is that they have to cooperate to help each other. In Islam, this hosted collaboration beyond the boundaries of religion, ethnicity and regardless of one's status. In the context of a plural society in Malaysia, this concept should be practiced entirely to create a caring and harmonious society. 

Mutual Understanding / Al-Tafahum 

• The attitude of understanding or Al-Tafahum purpose of every human being or society need to understand each other. This attitude is necessary to avoid the occurrence of prejudice against others

Make love each other / Al-Mahabbah 

• Nature loving or al-Mahabbah is one of God's gift to mankind that should be sown in the minds of every member of society. Capable of binding nature of love relationships in the community. This is because, when there is love, one is able to avoid bad traits like jealousy, hatred, hostility, and others. Aid provided by the person should not be limited to race religion only. 

  Bail-security / Al-Tadhamun 

• Assures warranties or al-Tadhamun purpose of every human being in a society should have the feeling to protect each other. Every community should have a sense of helping others who are in trouble or have a problem. In the context of Malaysia, although the official religion is Islam and the Malays were given many privileges, but other people also have the appropriate rights constitutionally.





pembangunan insan

Pembangunan modal insan merupakan antara istilah yang popular dalam perbincangan dan perancangan pembangunan pada masa kini. Ia mula diterima secara signifikan dan diperakui sebagai antara tunjang kepada pembangunan ekonomi dan kemajuan sesebuah negara. Justeru, makalah ini akan membincangkan secara umum berkenaan konsep pembangunan modal insan dan kepentingannya dalam pembangunan negara pada masa kini dan akan datang. Perbincangan ini merangkumi konsep modal insan secara umumnya, kepentingan pembangunan modal insan yang seimbang berteraskan pembangunan Islam dan huraian tentang keperluan model pembangunan tersebut dalam aspek pembangunan negara hari ini.

Definisi modal insan

§ Modal insan merupakan pengimbangan pembangunan fizikal yang berteraskan ilmu pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang merangkumi nilai,etika dan minda yang progresif serta kesedaran budaya yang tinggi.
§ Perdana menteri,Datuk Seri  Najib Tun Razak,melihat pembangunan modal insan sebagai
a) Meningkatkan keupayaan pengetahuan ,kretiviti dan inovasi Negara.
b) Memupuk “minda kelas pertama” yang menekankan akan diberikan ke arah memupuk masyarakat berbudaya dan memiliki kekuatan mental.

Kepentigan modal insan

§ Kepentingan Modal Insan“Untuk membangunkan modal insan, kita mahu memberi ilmu pengetahuan yangsecukupnya, kita mahu mendidik mereka menjadi bangsa yang berpekerti mulia,mempunyai hemah yang tinggi, berjiwa besar, cintakan negara dan merekamempunyai kekuatan jasmani dan kekuatan rohani.Kita mestilah menjadi rakyat yang cintakan negara ini, rakyat yang bersemangat,bersedia bekerja dengan kuat, bekerja dengan rajin serta menjadi rakyat yangmengamalkan budi bahasa yang bermutu tinggi.”
                           PM Malaysia (Petikan Perutusan Hari Kemerdekaan ke-48)
§ Modal Insan negara yang berkualiti merupakan elemen paling kritikal dalammencapai misi nasional. Oleh itu, pembangunan modal insane akan menjadi terasutama pembangunan dalam tempoh Rancangan Malaysia Ke-9. Pembangunanmodal insan akan dilaksanakan secara holistic merangkumi pemerolehanpengetahuan dan kemahiran atau modal intelek termasuk keupayaankeusahawanan dan pengetahuan sains dan teknologi serta memiliki sikap, nilai danetika positif dan progresif melalu pendidikan, latihan dan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat.

Teras dasar pembangunan Negara

· Teras pembangunan modal insan bagi tujuan pembaikan dalam system penyampaian pendidikan dan latihan supaya menampakkan hasil yang berkualiti dan relevan dengan keperluan semasa.

Tindakan-tindakan pembangunan modal insan

Tindakan –tindakan pembangunan insan dilaksanakan mengikut bidang-bidang tertentu iaitu:

·  bidang perkhidmatan:-menubuhkan institut Integriti Nasional bertujuan membina upaya modal insan untuk membanteras rasuah.
· Bidang pendidikan:-Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara yang menetapkan matlamat untuk meningkatkan kualiti pelajar.
· Bidang ekonomi:-Melaksanakan Program Transformasi Syarikat-syarikat Berkaitan Kerajaan(GLC)
· Bidang sains dan teknologi:-Membangunkan Knowledge Workers Development Institute bagi memastikan bekalan tenaga berkemahiran tinggi menepati permintaan industry ICT.
· Bidang social:-Program Latihan Khidmat Negara bertujuan membangunkan warga nuda berdisplin,berdaya tahan,berdaya kepemimpinan dan bersifat prihatin.
· Bidang politik:-Melahirkan barisan pemimpin yang berketerampilan,dikagumi,dihormati dan dipercayai
· Bidang kerohanian:-Memperkenalkan konsep Islam Hadhari yang bertujuan mengutamakan aspek ketamadunan umat seimbang atau apa yang disebut sebagai’ummatan wasatan’.

Memperkasa pembangunan modal insan

Modal insan yang berkualiti merupakan faktor penting dalam memastikan negara maju pada masa depan.untuk memperkasakan modal ini,kerajaan dapat merencanakan aspek pendidikan diberi penekanan yang lebih iaitu:

§ Memperkasa Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah bagi memastikan bangunan pendidikan mencapai objektifnya.
§ Pendidikan Untuk Semua menjadi tanggungjawab kerajaan sesebuah negara untuk menyediakan kemudahan pendidikan kepada rakyatnya.
§ Memartabatkan Profesion Perguruan bahawa guru merupakan insan terbilang kerana peranannya yang besar dalam mendidik anak bangsa hingga ke menara gading.
§ Memantapkan Pengajian Tinggi Institut pengajian tinggi di Malaysia bukan sahaja menyediakan pendidikan tinggi kepada anak-anak tempatan malahan juga kepada pelajar-pelajar dari negara luar.

Komponen-komponen Utama Pembangunan Modal Insan

Semua pihak perlulah bergading bahu membantu pihak kerajaan merealisasikan cita-cita untuk melahirkan modal insan yang berminda kelas pertama.Antara komponen utama pembangunan modal insan di Malaysia ialah:
§ ibubapa,ibubapa memainkan peranan yang penting selain guru di sekolah untuk mendidik anak-anak.
§ Badan kerajaan atau bukan kerajaan ,pembangunan modal insan memerlukan sokongan daripada banyak pihak dan tidak terhad kepada ibubapa dan sekolah sahaja.
§ Institute pendidikan ,pelaksanakannya diinstitusi-institusi pendidikan peringkat sekolah dan peringkat universiti.

Membentuk Modal Insan Cemerlang

§ Modal insan yang cemerlang bermaksud cemerlang dari semua aspek mental dan fizikal.Hal ini pembentukan modal insan perlu mempunyai sahsiah yang terpuji.Jika cemerlang modal insannya,maka cemerlanglah negara itu di mata dunia dan sebaliknya.Pembangun modal insan cemerlang dapat diusahakan dengan ada nilai tambah,kuat pengangan agama,kasih sayang,semangat patriotisme yang kuat dan memahami kehidupan masyarakat majmuk.setiap modal insan cemerlang perlulah ada wawasan ,keterampilan diri dan mempunyai adab dan akhlak yang terpuji.

Pembangunan modal insan  menurut perspektif Islam adalah pembangunan yang melihat insan sebagai watak terpenting dalam sesebuah bangunan.Pembangunan insan ini pula dibangunkan dalam diri dan di luar diri manusia Ia bergerak seiring dengan pembangunan dan tidak boleh diasingkan dalam rangka kerja yang lain.Ini kerana pembangunan Islam ialah pembangunan yang bersepadu dan menyeluruh meliputi rohani dan jasmani serta dunia dan akhirat.tiada istilah insan selaku modal yang memberi keuntungan material kerana material hanya satu bahagian dari matlamat yang ingin dicapai.Pembangunan modal insan yang dilaksanakan adalah untuk penyempurnaan kesejahteraan manusia dalam semua aspek.



 Definition of Vision

Vision is now associated with human foresight. It is the intellectual and moral imagination of the development is a collection of ideas that make up the purpose or objectives of individual and group action, not outline the current situation and climate, but outlines aspects of the future development in all areas of life. It includes spiritual, cultural, family, psychological, moral, economic, educational, political and social environment with the needs of a particular time.
Vision is an outburst of mind rather than a specific policy. However, the vision may be a preamble or introduction to the formation of several new policies. For example, the National Development Policy replaced the New Economic Policy.
Any changes must be carefully planned so that people can become key player in every aspect of development: role as vicegerent of God on earth: that the environment is not destroyed by various pollutants; and ensure comprehensive development and quality can be achieved over a period of time. People can not let foreign values ​​infiltrate the culture of life until the culture is formed by the external image. People can not take the easy way to receive and adopt the ideology and way of life in the West or East total in all aspects of life. Modernization brought from outside must be infused with elements of nationalism. To achieve these goals, people need to interact with the questions and problems in a constructive manner.

The purpose of Vision

  1. Brilliant leader is a visionary leader. It can bring the country forward in all areas of the political, economic and social. Vision can propel the nation to develop world-class human civilization based on Islamic values ​​high. For the vision is essential to formulate strategies to meet the hopes and aspirations of the country. Insights can choose strategies that are required for planning is made ​​in the image of its own. This can be seen in the context of Malaysia's Vision 2020, which was carried out in its own mold. 
  2. The screening process of all the ideas that can help formulation strategies to achieve the vision is necessary to avoid waste. 
  3. Vision 2020 aims to create national aims of Malaysia will be a developed country in its own way without being bound manner and patterns of developed countries at present. Progress is progress aspired perfect is not solely measured in terms of achievement of physical or fizikaal alone but it will include the creation of a perfect masyaarakat with the moral and ethical standard and can be emulated by other countries. 
  4. Vision also seeks to establish a new world order characterized by a rise of reform and renewal in line with Islamic Shari'ah in society supaaya they can dominate again the pattern of development of the world. Formation of a new world odre akidaah must have strength and devotion, strength, knowledge and culture knowledge, the strength of the Islamization of knowledge and practice, the strength of the economy and trade as well as the strength of communication and technology. To achieve this goal, they need to carry out the activities of a productive and constructive life. Life activities is a fundamental element in all human behavior, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. 
  5. Vision 2020 among others aims to rolling out economic policies and national development. Among these policies are;
  1. National Development 
  2. National Industrial Policy 
  3. National Agricultural Policy 
  4. Privatisation Policy 
  5. Malaysia Incorporated Policy 
  6. National Science and Technology Policy 
  7. Policy Implementation Islamic Values ​​in Administration 
  8. Look East Policy 
  9. Public Expenditure Reduction Policy 
  10. National Policy on Women 
  11. National Education Policy 
  12. Policy Reform And Increasing Productivity and Quality in the Public Service

Vision 2020
Vision 2020 was initiated by Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as contained in his speech "Malaysian Way Forward" at the launch of the Malaysian Business Council in Kuala Lumpur on 28 February 1991 with the primary aim to make Malaysia a fully developed industrialized countries by 2020.
Vision 2020 is the brainchild of strategy or long-term moral imagination. It gives direction and target countries to achieve developed nation status. Vision 2020 recommends a framework of goals, time frame, outlook, approach, and implementation strategy.
Vision 2020 has a lot of concepts and expressions trading economy such as economic culture, community trade, the privatization policy, the transformation of rural development, a full partnership in progress.
However, Vision 2020 has nine strategic challenges to work on a local flavor that is to create
  1. United Malaysian nation with a shared goal. This country must be peaceful, integrated at the regional level and ethnicity, living in harmony and full fairly, and consists of a united Malaysia 'with political loyalty and dedication to the country. Society psychologically liberated, secure and developed, with faith and confidence in yourself, pride in what is, quite brave face many problems. This Malaysian Society must be distinguished by the pursuit of excellence, fully aware of all ponensinya, not subservient to none, and respected by the people of other countries. 
  2. Creating and developing a mature democratic society, practicing a form of Malaysian democracy mature consensual, community-oriented that can be a model for many developing countries. 
  3. Creating a society that is fully moral and ethical society, whose citizens are strong in religious and spiritual values ​​and imbued with the highest ethical. 
  4. Creating a liberal and tolerant, multi-racial Malaysians free customs, cultures and religious beliefs and at the same time put their allegiance to one country. 
  5. Establishing a scientific and progressive society, a society that is innovative and forward-looking, which is not only a consumer of technology but a contributor to civilization scientific and future technologies 
  6. Creating a caring society and a caring culture, a social system in which society will come before self, with the welfare of the people will revolve not around the state or the individual but around a strong and resilient family system. 
  7. Create a just society in the field of economics. This is a society in which the distribution of national wealth equitably, in which there is full partnership in economic progress, and identification of economic backwardness with race. 
  8. Establishing a prosperous society with an economy that is competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.
  1. countries need a systematic development plan to ensure socio-economic development kelesterian 
  2. a country requires a transparent development planning in the interests of all parties 
  3. development planning should take into account the needs and kepentingnan all communities to ensure that none of the parties neglected in achieving national development 
  4. policies introduced by national policies must be respected and fully internalized anxious to preserve the prosperity and peace of the country.




The Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra in his speech at the Conference of Foreign Journalists' Association of Southeast Asia held at the Adelph Hotel, Singapore on 27 May 1961, had an insight about the need to establish a plan to bring the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak into a form of political and economic cooperation. Among other things, this cooperation should be conducted with the aims of limiting the influence of communist influence that could jeopardise the political stability within the region. The Goverment's stand is based on the political development in Singapore that shows an increasing influence of the Leftist. In addition to that, the idea is to offset the total population, increasing the economic development and to accelerate the process of the independence for Singapore, Brunei, North Borneo and Sarawak.

The commonwealth Parliamentary Association Branch of Malaya and Borneo Meeting in Singapore on 23 July 1961 had agreed to establish the Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee, chaired by Donald Stephen. The purpose of setting up this committee is to explain more cleary about the concept of Malaysia to the public, especially to the people of Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei. In this committee, the representatives of Malaya consisted of members of Parliament. Singapore Representatives comprises of the Legislative Council members and one from the opposition party. Members of the delegation from Sarawak were members of the State Council, the same with Sabah. The Committee convened four times to discuss matters relating to the establishments of Malaysia. The first meeting was held in Sabah in August 1961, followed by Kuching, Sarawak in December 1961 and then in Kuala Lumpur in January 1962. The last meeting was held in Singapore in February 1962. In the last meeting, the committee agreed to submit a memorandum to the Cobbold Commission to conduct surveys on the views of the people in Sarawak and Sabah on the notion of Malaysia.

The committee agreed to a memorandum containing several key items taht will become the basis of the planned consititution. The committes agreed that the Consititution of Malaya will be used as the basis of the Malayasian Consititution. Among other matters agreed upon was the need for a strong and authoritative Federal government in foreign relations, defence and security as well as Islam as the accepted official religion.

The formation of Cobbold Commission on 17 January 1962 is to give freedom and justice to all parties. The Commission was formed as an outcome from negotiations between the Federation of Malaya government and the British Government in November 1961. The purpose of this Commission is to explore the views of communities in North Borneo(Sabah) and Sarawak on the idea of Malaysia. The commission comprises of five members, chaired by Lord Cobbold, a fromer governor of the Bank of England, its members  comprises of Dato' Wong Pow Nee and Encik Mohd Ghazali bin Shafie, representing the government of Malaya, while Sir Anthony Abell and Sir David Watherson, the representative of the British government. Mr.H.Harris acted as the Secretary.

Throughout February to April 1962, the Commission has meet more than 4,000 people and received 2,200 memorandums from the various groups that consisted of political parties, members of Government and Legislative  Assembilies, the chiefs, the natives and the leaders of the country, municipal councils, religious leaders, trade unions and members of the public who gave their views. The results of this report show that 80 precent of the population of Sarawak and North Borneo support the establishment of Malaysia. Public support is cleary evident by the Cobbold Commission report, which was approved by the representatives of the United Nations Secretary. In addition, the report also includes recommendations from members of the Commissions on several matters specifited in the memorandum received. 

On 21 June 1962, the report was submitted to the British Government and the Government of the Federation of Malaya. After having reviewed, the two governments agreed to accept nearly all of the recommendations made by the Commission. The Prime Minister of Malaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, also received a report of the Cobbold Commission. He had formed a committee to study the report which was chaired by him and other members consisting of Tun Abdul Razak(Deputy Prime Minister), Tan Siew Sin (Finance of Minister), Datuk (Dr.) Ismail Dato' Abdul Rahman (Internal Security Minister) and Datuk V.T Sambanthan (Minister of Public Works and Telecommunications).

Consensus was reached between teh Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya, Tuku Abdul Rahman and Harold Macmillan, the British Prime Minister to hold talks in London. Negotiations had been going on for 2 weeks. In July 1963, an important agreement was sign at the Commonwealth Relations Office in Malborough House, London. Representatives of the British government, the Federation of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore, signed the agreement establishing the Federation of Malaysia. Approval to form Malaysia was obtained on 31 August 1963. However, the establishment of Malaysia which was planned on that date had to be postponed due to the fact that the United Nations Secretary reports can only be compieted on 14 September 1963. Malaysia was finally deciared on 16 September 1963.


The deciaration of Malaysia ceremony was held at Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur on 16 September 1963. His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the Malay Rulers, and the Governor of Penang, Malacca, Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah graced this glorious ceremony. The cabinet members, foreign diplomats in Kuala Lumpur as well as special guests also attended the ceremony.

The Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra recited the formation of Malaysia Deciaration in front of about 30,000 Malaysians who were celebrating the historic day. Tunku then chanted "Merdeka" seven times which was alternated by cries of the people present. The ceremony ended with prayers read by the Mufti of Negeri Sembilan, Tuan Haji Ahmad bin Mohammad Said.

  • 27 May 1961- Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Prime Minister, during the National Association of Foreign Journalists in Southeast Asia at Adelphi Hotel, Singapore had an insight about the need to establish a plan to bring the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak into a form of political cooperation.
  • 23 July 1961- The meeting between the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Malaya and Borneo Branch in Singapore had agreed to establish Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Cimmittee, chaired by Donald Stephen. 
  • August 1961- The inaugural meeting of the Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee was held in Sabah.
  • 18-20 December 1961- The second Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee Meeting was held in Kuching, Sarawak.
  • 6-7 January 1962- The third Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee meeting was held in the Selangor Legislative Assembly Chamber, Kuala Lumpur.
  • 17 January 1962- The Cobbold Commission was established to survey the views of communities in North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak. The Commission consists of five members namely Lord Cobbold, Dato' Wong Pow Nee, En. Mohd Ghazali Shafie, Sir Anthony Abell and Sir David Watherston, Mr.H.Harris acted as Secretary.
  • 3-4 February 1962- The Fourth Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee Meeting. 
  • 21 June 1962- The Cobbold Commission Report was prepared and submited to the British government and the federation of Malaya government.
  • July 1962- Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Mr. Harold MacMillan, the British Minister had unanimously agreed to hold talks.
  • 9 July 1963-an important agreement was the signed at the Commonwealth Relations Office in Malborough House, London. The establishment of the Federation of Malaysia agreement was signed by the representatives of the British goverment, the Federation of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.
  • 16 September 1963- The declaration of Malaysia ceremony was held at Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur. The formation of Malaysia Declaration was recited by the Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman in front of about 30,000 people of Malaysia.


  1. YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya in his speech to foreign journalists at the Adelphi Hotel, Singapore on 27 May 1961. During the events, Tunku initiated his proposal on the establishment of Malaysia. 
  2. The members of the Malaysia Solidarity Consultatives Committee held a meeting at the Selangor Legistative Assembly Chamber, Kuala Lumpur on 6 and 7 January 1962. The Committee was established in july 1961 with the purpose of explaining to the people of North Borneo, Sarawak and Brunei about the establishment of Malaysia. This is the third meeting held.
  3. The Cobbold Commission was established on 177 January 1962 to survey the views of communities of North Borneo and Sarawak. Members of the Commission are from left Mohd Ghazali Shafie, Wong Pow Nee, Lord Cobbold, Sir David Watherston and Sir David Watherston and Sir Anthony Abell.
  4. The Commission of Enquiry, North Borneo and Sarawak statement, 1962. This statement describes the results of the Commission report that showed that 80% of the population of North Borneo and Sarawak supports the idea of Malaysia. This report is then presented to be British goverment and the governmentts of Malaya on 21 June 1962.
  5. YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, held a press conference at this Residence on 6 July 1963, to announce his departure to London to attend the signing ceremony for the establishment of Malaysia.
  6. YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, boarding a plane at the Sungai Besi Airport on the evening of 6 July 1963 to Singapore and then to London to sign the agreement of the Malaysia establishment.
  7. The Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj during the formation of Malaysia signed an agreement on 9 July 1963, at Malborough House, London.
  8. The general public eagerly waiting for YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj at the Sungai Besi Airport, Kuala Lumpur on 25 July 1963 after returning from talks with the Birtish on the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia at Malborough House, London.
  9. YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj inspecting troops who welcomed his return home from London at the Sungai Besi airport, Kuala Lumpur on 25 July 1963.
  10. His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong  receiving the salute from members of the uniformed forces of various contingents participating in the parade in conjunction with Malaysia Day celebration held on 17 September at Stadium Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur.
  11. School students forming the word 'Hidup Malaysia' (Long Live Malaysia) in conjunction with Malaysia Day, held at stadium Merdeka on 17 September 1963.
  12. His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong delivering his speeh at the Malaysia promulgation ceremony on 17 September 1963. The glorious event was attend by 30,000 citizens of all races.
  13. YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj chanting "Merdeka" seven times alternated by the cries of the people in attendance, after reading the promulgation of Malaysia on 17 September 1963.
  14. Prime Minister, YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj Malaysia signed the promulgation decree on 16 September 1963.


History of the formation of Malaysia was not long. It does not have high levels of time as is within the country achieved independence in 1957. 

However, many events occur within the next two or three years before the establishment of the opposition to react, the conflict between the state and these are savage state and these are important things to understand. 

These events are a lot of implications and lessons. Finally, 30 months after the formation of Malaysia announced intentions seriously by Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia declared on 16 September 1963.



1. Setup Creates Self Government 
      ● British introduced the Malayan Union in preparation to          Malaya towards 
         form of self-government. 
2. To produce well-slippery Administration 
       ● British want to create a smooth administration. 
       ● System pentadbitan before this lot inconvenience                 because of the difference in terms of 
          mode of administration. 
3. Saves administrative costs 
       ● Distribution of Malaya to 3 units of government that               NNS, NNMB and NNMTB 
          admin has been difficult. 
       ● Diversity system has been costly. 
       ● It also causes economic development in each country           is not balanced. 
4. Developing Nations Malayan Union. 
       ● British intended to form the Malayan Union nations               that  immigrants can 
          forget the country of origin and focus of allegiance to             the Malayan Union. 
       ● Thus, the British were able to ensure that resources              and investment to develop 
           Malayan economy is not retarded. 
5. Controlling the political power of the Malays. 
       ● British opinion to create the Malayan Union will                      guarantee mastery 
          continued against the Malayan economy. 
       ● In addition, it can also reduce the political power of               the  Malays.

  • All states NNMB and NNMTB and NNS consolidated 
  • British Governor to lead MU 
  • Executive Council and Legislative Council formed MU 
  • Even the royal family from Singapore separated Union / free port 
  • Citizenship based on jus soli 
  • Malay rulers to be a member of the Council of Malay Rulers well-powered talk about religion and Malay customs 
  • In each state appointed a Commissioner of the State. 
  • Malaya so British Colonies / no longer a British protectorate.

How the Malays against the Malayan Union: 
  • Letter by Malay newspaper Utusan Melayu as the Council and the Gazette. 
  • Hold peaceful demonstrations during Sir Harold MacMichael get signatures of the Malay Rulers. 
  • This protest took place in Kota Bharu and Alor Setar, Kedah. 
  • Malay associations switched to oppose the Malayan Union. 
  • They sent a telegram and a letter of protest to the Colonial Office in London. 
  • January 23, 1946, Dato 'Onn Jaafar urged Malays berkongres and established the United Malays Organisation (Umno). 
  • Malay Congress 1946 held from 1 - March 4, 1946 at Club Sultan Sulaiman, Kampung Baru Kuala Lumpur. 
  • The Congress was attended by 41 associations throughout Malaya. 
  • Congress has agreed to establish a United Malays National Organization (UMNO) or the United Malays National Organisation. 
  • Second Malay Congress held from 30 to 31 March 1946 aim to protest the declaration of the Malayan Union on 1 April 1946. 
  • Malays hold rallies in every major city to show their opposition to British lawmakers that LD Gammans and David Reese William. 
  • Malay rulers gathered in Kuala Kangsar on 28 April 19

In conclusion, as the political power of the British Malaya has introduced the Malayan Union which has invited mixed reactions from the community led to the resistance movement. Malayan Union was a political colonization of Malaya. Umbrella policy conducted over the Malay states for this disconnect, and all executive and legislative powers taken by the King of England and the British parliament. We can say that the Malayan Union movement triggers the Malayan nationalism of the right and left wing parties. Malayan Union plan considered by J. de V. Allen as something that rocked the Malays seem an earthquake has occurred. 1 April 1946 recorded a turning point that changed the history of this country journey that day the Malayan Union which is regarded by the Malays as black dots when they lost power in their homeland.

Malayan Union has brought significant changes to the politics of the Malays. Malayan Union crisis in 1946 saw the formation of the party to champion the interests of the Malays. UMNO as a new party has been set up in May 1946 was to oppose the Malayan Union which authorities on April 1, 1946 and arguably the political pressure on the British colonial administration. In this early period, the party was competing with PKMM to support the Malay community, which eventually won the UMNO more support from the community. UMNO has emerged as a major party and then matched by the PAS in 1959 until now. as the political consciousness of the Malays, this causes the Malayan Union was dissolved. Dissolution of the Malayan Union was a huge success for the Malays and replaced by the Federation of Malaya. Finally, efforts have yielded Malays when Malaya achieved independence on August 31, 1957.